Girl scouts, boy scouts and real estate . . . - Cari Wade
Real Estate News ... April 17, 2020

Girl scouts, boy scouts and real estate . . .

Real estate is happening!  Buyers are buying.  And sellers are selling. Yep, even right now. But many folks are putting a pause on any real estate activity, which is totally understandable. But even while you are sheltering in place, there is so much you can do. If you are a buyer, get pre-approved.  If you were pre-approved before, check in with your lender again.  Get current.  Need lender names? Let me know.  If you’re a seller, prepare your home for sale. Now’s a great time to be going through things and boxing up what you can for moving or donating later. Hardware stores are open so you can work on some home improvements. A friend reminded me of the Scout Motto recently, always Be Prepared … Being prepared not only helps us through a crisis or a rainy day, but it helps us take advantage of opportunities as they arise.  While there are so many changes afoot right now, so many new opportunities await us. They are just around the corner.  Let’s be ready.